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ASDevices > Products > Purged pulse diaphragm valve

Purged pulse diaphragm valve 专利申请中

The first purged diaphragm valve was introduced over a decade ago. Despite it offering a variety of benefits, the technology’s main disadvantage was that a separate purged flow path was necessary. This meant integration costs, carrier flow consumption costs and manufacturing complexity. Our pulse purge diaphragm valve (PPDV) changed all that. Using the static purge principle to purge the valve’s inner volume through the actuation gas, it works for applications that require the features of a diaphragm valve as well as when better performance is needed from existing applications without design changes.


  • Static purge design:
    • Minimizes purge gas consumption, reduces operation costs (especially when helium is used)
    • No extra plumbing hardware required to supply the purge gas, reducing overall integration cost
    • Always keeps inert atmosphere inside the valve
  • New plunger design improves diaphragm lifetime
  • Long-term storage pressure relief:
    • Eliminates diaphragm deformation when the valve is at rest
  • Switching valve available as 6 and 10 ports
  • Operating temperature: 100 ⁰C


  • Ultra-trace permanent gas
  • Ultra-trace sulfur
  • VOC
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Any gas chromatography applications


6 ports

10 ports


Static purge principle

The system is based on a static purge system that substantially reduces purge gas flow consumption by successive dilution instead of a dynamic (continuous flow) purge concept. This typically results in only 5% of the purge flow consumption compared to a standard purge valve.


New plunger design

The plunger has been improved in several important ways. Firstly, purge grooves have been added to its perimeter to increase air flow and exchange between actuation and under-the-diaphragm volumes. Secondly, the whole plunger base is now supported so that the sealing pressure is evenly applied against the diaphragm, minimizing the leak risk and localized diaphragm deformation. And finally, the plunger’s rigid mid-section has been replaced with a compressible one that’s separated into three sections, making it more flexible overall.


